Noise Killer – Stop the Noise !1.1 - Get APK

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Publisher Description

Stop your surrounding noise and side talks. Ideal for use in libraries, clinics, offices or wherever you want noisy people to be silent. Choose between several alert types including: text alert, vibration, beep, "Quiet Please" voice and the "Shhh" sound.

Monitor the sound levels and set a maximum value to be alerted if the sounds exceed this limit.

Note: Due to the limitations set by most Android phone manufacturers, the built in microphone will not detect sounds higher than 80 Decibels (90 Decibels on certain models).

Disclaimer: This tool is not valid as a replacement to a real sound meter device and therefore, should not be used in critical situations. The mobile's microphone is not an industrially accurate sound measurement device and might produce incorrect and incompatible values with different environments and situations.

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Users Rating:
  2.9/5     4
Downloads: 2,622
Updated At: 2024-10-04
Publisher: Apanza
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free